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The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Current issue

Academic Frontier:Interpretation and Mediation of Chinese and Western Texts
Tan Qionglin
Abstract29 PDF(957KB) ( 1076
2022, 0 (2): 1–2
Qian Zhaoming
Abstract29 PDF(1463KB) ( 1318
2022, 0 (2): 3–13
No. 7 of Pearls That Were by the Cambridge poet J. H. Prynne is a readymade poem grown out of a version of a poem by contemporary ...
Tan Qionglin
Abstract29 PDF(1393KB) ( 1478
2022, 0 (2): 14–31
Since the release of Chen Shil-Hsiang's English version of Wen Fu (Essay on Literature) by Lu Chi, the scholar of the Western Jin ...
Deng Yingying
Abstract29 PDF(1402KB) ( 1887
2022, 0 (2): 32–49
The Vimalakīrtinirdes'a is one of the classic scriptures of Mahāyāna Buddhism that expounds the thought of “nondua...
Stephen Roddy
Abstract29 PDF(1324KB) ( 1332
2022, 0 (2): 50–63
Both Alan Watts (1915-1973) and François Jullien (1951- ) are widely known and admired for their prolific research and wri...
Jana S. Ro ker, Liao Zhihua
Abstract29 PDF(1347KB) ( 1106
2022, 0 (2): 64–80
This article deals with the manifold possibilities and problems regarding transcultural interpretations of Chinese texts. It highl...
Sino-Foreign Literary Relations
Song Mingwei, Wang Xiaohui
Abstract29 PDF(1575KB) ( 2411
2022, 0 (2): 81–100
This article studies Chinese science fiction's “global” impact as a new wave, and examines three implications of the term “worldin...
Wan Lijun
Abstract29 PDF(2970KB) ( 1625
2022, 0 (2): 101–117
The story of Magu is a mythological narrative shared by China and South Korea. From the beginning, Chinese Magu has presented the ...
Zhang Boshi
Abstract29 PDF(1473KB) ( 1666
2022, 0 (2): 118–133
This essay aims to search for the similarities and differences on contemplating the essence of the human history from the works by...
Translation Studies
Cai Xinle
Abstract29 PDF(1510KB) ( 1628
2022, 0 (2): 134–157
Long having been an activity of interpretation of Ruist scriptures, xungu (训诂) is rarely used in interlingual translation, though ...
Xia Weihong
Abstract29 PDF(1567KB) ( 1405
2022, 0 (2): 158–177
Since the founding of the PRC, the translation of Chinese ethic minority literature has mainly been carried out under the patronag...
Bo Yidi
Abstract29 PDF(1490KB) ( 1444
2022, 0 (2): 178–189
This Paper focuses on the subject matter of Turandot originated from Persia, spread through Turkey, formed in France along with th...
Fu Feixiong
Abstract29 PDF(1360KB) ( 1694
2022, 0 (2): 190–206
Based on the hypotheses of the duality of life and art, and the conception of the history of literature that there is a cyclic evo...
Reviews and Reports
Yu Yanhong
Abstract29 PDF(1361KB) ( 1159
2022, 0 (2): 207–211
Li Yimin
Abstract29 PDF(1409KB) ( 2591
2022, 0 (2): 212–216
The Editorial Board of CLC
Abstract29 PDF(818KB) ( 781
2022, 0 (2): 217–218