The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Guide for authors

CLC welcomes professional writers and scholars to contribute articles on a wide range of research fields pertaining to comparative literature.

All manuscripts should be submitted online at Authors are requested to register and log in before going to the submission page. CLC is committed to protecting authors’ privacy of personal data. Manuscripts submitted for consideration should first be prepared according to the journal’s required format and style specified by the eighth edition of MLA Handbook.

CLC only accepts the manuscript submitted by a single author, and the one submitted by two or more authors will be returned. Authors can log in by clicking on “Author Submission” button to track the status of submitted manuscripts. The review process for submissions involves initial screening, further review, and double-blind final peer review. The status of “under review” indicates that the manuscript has passed the editor’s screening and been assigned to the external reviewers for peer review. The status of “final review” indicates that the manuscript has been considered as usable by the editorial team, but still not necessarily accepted for publication, and some of them may need revising or resubmitting. Only the “accepted” status indicates the manuscript is officially selected for publication. Editors will contact authors via the editorial office email (

Due to the long publication procedure, submissions to CLC are customarily answered within 5 months. For the manuscripts not accepted more than 5 months,  authors are free to submit to any other journal. 

Release date:2018-10-11 Browse: 46592