The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊


Editorial Office

Editor-in-Chief     Song Binghui

Director           Zha Mingjian

Editors            Zhou Leshi  Zhang Man  Hu Rong

For any queries about submissions and editorial procedures, please feel free to contact the following:

Shanghai International Studies University,

550 Dalian Road (W),

Shanghai 200083, China.
Phone: (86-21) 35372625

Advisory Board

Yue Daiyun is Professor of Peking University (PKU), recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Comparative Literature, and honorary president of Chinese Comparative Literature Association (CCLA). She has previously been president of CCLA (1989-2014), director of the Institute of Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture (1984-1998), chair of Chinese Department of Shenzhen University (SZU)(1984-1989) and vice president of International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA) (1990-1997). Her major research interests lie in Sino-foreign literary relations and poetics.

Rao Pengzi is professor of Jinan University (JUN) and recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Comparative Literature. She has previously been vice president of CCLA, president of China World Association for Chinese Literatures, vice president of Chinese Association for Theory of Literature and Art and vice president of Jinan University. Her major research interests lie in literary theory, comparative literature and especially overseas Chinese literature.

Liu Xiangyu is professor of Beijing Normal University (BNU) and recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Comparative Literature. He has previously been vice president of CCLA and council member of Chinese Foreign Literature Association. His major research interests include comparative poetics, literary theory and British-American literary studies.

Meng Hua is professor of PKU and recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Comparative Literature. She has previously been vice president of CCLA and council member of ICLA. Her research interest mainly lies in Sino-French literary relations.

Editorial Board(Alphabetically)

Chen Sihe, senior professor and library director of Fudan University (FDU), Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE), executive council member of CCLA, vice president of Shanghai Writers’ Association, of Modern Chinese Literature Association, of Contemporary Chinese Literature Association and of Chinese Association for Theory of Literature and Art, mainly focuses on Chinese literature in 20th century, Sino-foreign literary relations, and contemporary literature.

Chen Yuehong, chair professor of Southern University of Science and Technology, vice president of CCLA and of Teaching Research Association affiliated to CCLA, mainly focuses on the theory of comparative literature, comparative poetics as well as theories and methods of Chinese literary studies in the West.

Cao Shunqing, outstanding professor of Sichuan University (SCU), Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by MOE, vice president of CCLA, former president of CCLA (2014-2017) and Sichuan Comparative Literature Association, former dean of the College of Literature and Journalism at SCU, vice president of Chinese Ancient Literary Theory Association and of Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory Association, mainly focuses on comparative poetics.

Ding Ersu, professor of Hong Kong Lingnan University (LU) and Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), former chair of English Department of LU, mainly focuses on comparative poetics and semiotics.

Gao Xudong, professor of Renmin University of China (RUC), adjunct professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by MOE, vice president of CCLA and of Modern Chinese Literature Association, mainly focuses on comparative literature, literary theory as well as modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

He Chengzhou, director of the Institute of Global Humanities at Nanjing University, Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by MOE, member of Academia Europaea, executive council member of CCLA, and president of Jiangsu Comparative Literature Association, is academically interested in British-American literature and culture, European and American drama, comparative literature, cross-cultural studies, Scandinavian literature, gender study and critical theory in 21st century.

Ji Jin, professor and dean of Tang Wenzhi College at Soochow University, mainly focuses on Sino-foreign literary relations, overseas sinology, and Qian Zhongshu studies.

Jiang Shuzhuo, professor of JNU, president of Guangdong Writers’ Association and of Guangdong Literature and Art Critics Association, vice president of Chinese Association for Theory of Literature and Art, of Chinese Ancient Literary Theory Association, of Chinese and Foreign Literary Theory Association, and former vice president of JNU, mainly focuses on Chinese ancient literary theory, relations between religion and literary theory as well as relations between literature and culture.

Liu Hongtao, professor of BNU, executive council member of CCLA, and president of Teaching Research Association affiliated to CCLA, is academically interested in British-American literature, overseas communication of Chinese literature, Chinese-Western literary relations , history of foreign literature, North American Sinology, modern and contemporary Chinese literature.

Liu Hongyi, senior professor of humanities and social sciences and director of Jao Tsung-I Institute of Cultural Studies at SZU, vice president of CCLA, and former president of SZU, is mainly interested in Hebrew-Jewish culture, cultural philosophy, comparative literature and comparative culture as well as higher education and youth issues.

Liu Yunhua, professor of FDU, executive council member of CCLA, executive vice president of Shanghai Comparative Literature Association (SCLA), and one of founding editors of the quarterly bilingual journal of International Comparative Literature, is mainly specialized in modern Sino-European intellectual and cultural interaction and mechanism, Chinese-Western comparative poetics, Confucian poetics, methodology of comparative literature, and modern European and American sinology.

Peng Qinglong, professor of SJTU, Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by MOE, and chief editor of Journal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), mainly focuses on English literature and Oceanian literature.

Song Binghui, professor of SISU, leading expert of National “Ten Thousand Talents Program” and of Cultural Celebrities & Four One-Batch Talents Project, president of SCLA, and vice president of CCLA, is academically engaged in comparative literature, Sino-foreign literary relations, modern and contemporary Chinese literature as well as translated literature.

Wang Ning is professor of Tsinghua University, senior professor and dean of School of Humanities at SJTU, Changjiang distinguished professor awarded by MOE, member of Académé de la Latinité (Brazil) and of Academia Europaea. He has previously been president of CCLA (2017-2021), vice president of Chinese Association for Theory of Literature and Art, Literary Theory Committee member of ICLA, executive council member and secretary-general of International Association for Literary Theory. His major research interests include contemporary western literary theories and movements, comparative literature and cultural studies.

Wei Maoping, professor and former chair of German Department at SISU, council member of CCLA, mainly focuses on modern German Literature and history of Sino-German literary relations.

Yang Huilin, distinguished professor of humanities and director of the Institute for the Study of Christian Culture at RUC, vice president of CCLA, former vice president of RUC and former president of CCLA (2011-2014), academically focuses on comparative literature, western literary theories and religious hermeneutics.

Ye Shuxian, senior professor of SJTU, president of CCLA (2021-), former president of Chinese Mythology Association and of Chinese Literary Anthropology Association, and former vice president of Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association, is mainly engaged in comparative literature and literary anthropology.

Zha Mingjian, professor of SISU, vice president of SISU and of Translators Association of China, president of Shanghai International Studies Association, is mainly involved in comparative literature and translation studies.

Zhang Hui, professor and director of the Institute of Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture at PKU, vice president and secretary-general of CCLA, and vice president of Chinese Comparative Classical Studies Association, is academically interested in Sino-German literary and aesthetic relations, literary hermeneutics (including interpretation history of Book of Songs) as well as interdisciplinary study of literature and intellectual history.

Zheng Tiwu, professor and chair of the Institute of Literary Studies at SISU, vice president of Shanghai Translators Association and of International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (МАПРЯЛ), former vice president of Chinese Foreign Literature Association and of Chinese Association for the Study of Russian Literature, is mainly engaged in teaching, studying and translating Russian literature.

Zhou Leshi, professor of editorship and managing editor of Comparative Literature in China at SISU, mainly focuses on comparative literature and gender study.

International Contributing Editors

Daniel-Henri Pageaux, professor emeritus and former chair of the Department of General and Comparative Literature at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.

David Damrosch, professor and chair of the Department of Comparative Literature at Harvard University, former chair of the Department of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, and former president of American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) (2001-2003).

Jonathan Culler, professor of Cornell, member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences, former president of ACLA (1999-2001) and of Semiotic Society of America (1987-1988).

Longxi Zhang, professor of comparative literature and translation at City University of Hong Kong, foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, member of Academia Europaea, and former president of ICLA (2016-2019).

Theo Dhaen, professor emeritus of English and comparative literature at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, professor emeritus of English literature at Leiden University, member of Academia Europaea, former president of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (2008-2011), and former editor-in-chief of the A&HCI journal of European Review (2008-2021).

Thomas O. Beebee, professor of comparative literature at The Pennsylvania State University and editor-in-chief of Comparative Literature Studies.

Release date:2018-10-11 Browse: 24195