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The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Current issue

Academic Frontier: China Question of Western Theory: Transformation of Theoretical Discourses
Liu Kang
Abstract29 PDF(1261KB) ( 1642
2021, 0 (4): 1–2
Han Zhenjiang
Abstract29 PDF(1405KB) (
2021, 0 (4): 2–17
Since the 1960s, in the context of “Westward Movement of East Learning”, the French radical left-wing literary theories with Althu...
Duan Jifang
Abstract29 PDF(1280KB) ( 2182
2021, 0 (4): 18–29
The theory of “Frankfurt School” has been introduced by Chinese aestheticians since the late 1970s. After more than 40 years of th...
Wang Jiajun
Abstract29 PDF(1290KB) ( 1725
2021, 0 (4): 30–44
The debate on essentialism and anti-essentialism in China in the past twenty years indicates that postmodernism has penetrated mor...
Li Song
Abstract29 PDF(1322KB) ( 2347
2021, 0 (4): 45–55
Bakhtin's theory has provided rich ideological resources for the dialogue between Chinese and Western literary theories and profou...
Wu Yuyu
Abstract29 PDF(1418KB) ( 1949
2021, 0 (4): 56–68
German classical aesthetics has played a fundamental role in the construction of Chinese modern aesthetics. We gave up the ambiguo...
Liu Kang
Abstract29 PDF(1361KB) ( 2117
2021, 0 (4): 69–82
The discursive transformation of literary theories in China is an important part of China problem of Western Theory. Chinese Germa...
Translation Studies
Zhai Yueqin
Abstract29 PDF(1435KB) ( 2457
2021, 0 (4): 83–96
The Rising of the Moon, a play by Irish playwright Lady Gregory, is the most frequently performed translated drama in China...
Wu Xiaofang
Abstract29 PDF(1533KB) ( 3318
2021, 0 (4): 97–115
In the recent decade, the academia at home and abroad has paid increasing attention to the study on the translation and transmissi...
Jiang Fan
Abstract29 PDF(1452KB) ( 1897
2021, 0 (4): 116–129
Looking back at Prof. Xie Tianzhen's Comparative Literature and Translation Studies published in 2011, the paper reviews th...
Sino-Foreign Literary Relations
Chen Jianhua
Abstract29 PDF(1267KB) ( 2546
2021, 0 (4): 130–141
In the first 20 years of the 21st century, the literary exchanges between China and Russia gradually increased, and the literary r...
Sun Yaotian
Abstract29 PDF(1409KB) ( 1798
2021, 0 (4): 142–158
Based on the relationship between animals and human beings, this paper aims to explore Lu Xun's translation and acceptance of Eros...
Comparative Poetics
Peng Yinglong
Abstract29 PDF(1424KB) ( 750
2021, 0 (4): 159–175
Zhang Zao is a famous contemporary poet and a poetry translator. He translated a lot of poems by Wallace Stevens, and was influenc...
Yuan Ying, Cheng Xianting
Abstract29 PDF(1444KB) ( 789
2021, 0 (4): 176–188
In the cognition-oriented exploration of rhetorical figures, major tropes such as metaphor have been widely studied while equally ...
Teaching of Comparative Literature
Zhang Pei
Abstract29 PDF(1320KB) ( 917
2021, 0 (4): 189–194
As an open academic discipline of the modern world, comparative literature can be compared to a quadriga driven by language, text,...
Zhang Hui
Abstract29 PDF(1392KB) (
2021, 0 (4): 195–206
Professor Yue Daiyun is one of the pioneers of Chinese comparative literature in the New Period. Not only did she achieve fruitful...
Review and Report
Xu Jie
Abstract29 PDF(1333KB) (
2021, 0 (4): 207–211
Abstract29 PDF(1357KB) (
2021, 0 (4): 211–218