The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Comparative Literature in China ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 72-86.

• Sino-Foreign Literary Relations • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Study on the Relationship between Feng Zhi and George-Kreis

Yang Zhi   

  • Online:2024-01-23 Published:2024-01-15



  • 作者简介:杨志,文学博士,北京师范大学文学院副研究员。研究方向:中国现当代文学及文化。电子邮箱。

Abstract: The George-Kreis (the George Circle) was a poetry school centered on the German poet Stefan George, and was also an academic school with its unique academic philosophy. The modern Chinese writer Feng Zhi had a connection with it when he was studying in Germany (1930-1935) and had been deeply influenced by it. The influence lasted for sixty years, but no one has studied it so far. Based on the existing works, diaries, letters and related historical materials, it is sufficient to roughly reconstruct the process of Feng Zhi's connection with the George-Kreis, and then analyze the influence of the George-Kreis on Feng Zhi. The George-Kreis mainly influenced Feng Zhi through Stefan George's poetry and the academic works of his student Friedrich Gundolf. It not only affected Feng Zhi's ideological transformation, but also affected his decision on his academic path. In particular, Friedrich Gundolf, as a teacher admired by Feng Zhi, had a profound impact on his academic path throughout his life.

Key words: Feng Zhi, Stefan George, Friedrich Gundolf

摘要: 格奥尔格圈是以德国诗人格奥尔格为核心形成的一个诗歌流派,也是一个学术流派,有其独特的学术理念。现代作家冯至留德期间(1930-1935)跟它有过联系,并深受影响,影响长达60年,但迄今尚无人研究。据现存作品、日记、信件及相关史料,足以大致还原冯至与格奥尔格圈发生联系的过程,进而分析格奥尔格圈对冯至的影响。格奥尔格圈主要是通过格奥尔格的诗歌及其学生宫多尔夫的学术著作对冯至发生影响的。它不仅影响了冯至的思想转变,更影响了冯至对自己学术道路的抉择。特别是,宫多尔夫作为冯至仰慕的老师,对其一生的学术道路影响深远。

关键词: 冯至, 格奥尔格, 宫多尔夫