The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Comparative Literature in China ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 95-107.

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  • Online:2021-01-29 Published:2021-01-15


耿纪永, 刘朋朋   

  • 作者简介:耿纪永,博士,北京交通大学语言与传播学院教授。研究方向:比较文学和翻译学。电子邮箱;刘朋朋,同济大学外国语学院在读博士生。研究方向:翻译学。电子邮箱。

Abstract: It is commonly seen that writers and translators,source texts and target texts,as well as social incidents are the key elements of writing a history of translated literature.However,it is still far from enough to show the research profundity of the history of translated literature because the methodology of universal application significance in the historical research is to be involved.However,there exist differences between the studies of macro history and micro history of translated literature in terms of the methodology,that is,while the former focuses on a literal historical account of events requiring involvement of all kinds of the key elements above-mentioned,the latter focusing on an in-depth exploration of interaction between social context and translation usually prioritizes one of the key elements.Therefore,certain views of history,research questions,research methods as well as theories,consisting of the methodology of the historical research,are to be considered,so as to make the study of history of translated literature fully show its academic profundity.In this case,the book Translation,Literature and Politics gives an example of how the methodology for the historical research can be applied to and forward the studies of history of translated literature.

Key words: translated literature, translation history, methodology, Literature and Politics:A Case Study of World Literature (1953-1966)

摘要: 一般认为,作家、作品以及事件是翻译文学史书写的基本构成要素,但循此写法,却不足以体现翻译文学史的深度,还需具有通性意义的历史研究方法论的介入。具有通史性质的翻译文学史侧重点在于史料挖掘与梳理,囊括了翻译文学史书写的各要素,却难以围绕各要素进行深入探索,而以作家、作品或事件某一具体要素作为对象的翻译文学史研究侧重点在于深度,则需要运用较为系统的方法论。因此,作为历史研究方法论内在构成要素的史识、问题意识、研究方法以及理论,在翻译文学史各要素内部研究深度的体现上,有待进一步彰显,而崔峰的《翻译、文学与政治:以〈世界文学〉为例(1953-1966)》对于体现此四要素助力翻译文学史研究为我们提供了一定的启示。

关键词: 翻译文学, 翻译史, 方法论, 《翻译、文学与政治:以〈世界文学〉为例(1953-1966)》