The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984
ISSN 1006-6101 CN
Yu Jianhua. East Breeze Brushes over the West Bank Willows: On Qian Zhaoming's Breaking Boundaries and “Making It New”: Oriental Elements in Western Modernism[J]. Comparative Literature in China, 2025, 0(1): 259-261.
钱兆明:《跨越与创新:西方现代主义的东方元素》.北京:北京大学出版社,2023年. [Qian, Zhaoming.Breaking Boundaries and “Making It New”: Oriental Elements in Western Modernism (kua yue yu chuang xin: xi fang xian dai zhu yi de dong fang yuan su). Beijing: Peking University Press, 2023.]