The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Comparative Literature in China ›› 2025, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 105-125.

• Comparative Poetics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

The Ethics of Living in Drama: On Benjamin's Explanation of Daimon

Ye Renjie   

  • Online:2025-01-22



  • 作者简介:叶仁杰,哲学博士,南京师范大学哲学系讲师。研究方向:当代欧陆哲学和西方政治思想史。电子邮箱。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Benjamin's ethics and political philosophy are often labeled as “nihilism”, but around the 1920s, Benjamin conceived the ethics of “happiness” in worldly existence in his drama studies. This article attempts to show that the daimon in ancient Greek thought has two opposite aspects in Benjamin's context: the fearsome dämonisch fate or the genius of liberty. German poetics has been deeply trapped in the entanglement of those two, and Goethe himself and his works are emblematic of this entanglement. For Benjamin, the order of priority of character and action in drama distinguishes those two: “Dämon” exists in classical tragedies and Christian fate dramas where action takes priority, in which life falls into the misfortune of retribution; “Genius” exists in the French classical comedy and Spanish baroque comedia where character takes priority, in which life returns to the fortune of spiritual life by contemplation. The differences between French comedy and Spanish comedia may partly explain why Benjamin abandoned the study of drama.

Key words: Walter Benjamin, daimon, living ethics, action, character

摘要: 本雅明的伦理学和政治哲学总是容易被冠以“虚无主义”的标签,但1920年代前后的本雅明在戏剧研究中构想了在世生存的“幸福”伦理学。本文试图说明,古希腊的守护神在本雅明的语境中有两个相反面向:令人可怖的恶魔式命运或自由的天才。德国近代以来的诗学一直深陷于这二者的纠结,歌德其人其著就是代表。对本雅明而言,戏剧中品性和行动的优先关系区分了二者:“恶魔”存在于行动优先的古典悲剧和基督教命运剧,生命陷入罪责偿还的不幸;“天才”存在于品性优先的法国古典主义喜剧和西班牙巴洛克悲喜剧,在沉思中回归精神生命的幸运。而法国喜剧和西班牙悲喜剧的差异在某种程度上可揭示本雅明放弃戏剧研究的原因。

关键词: 本雅明, 守护神, 生存伦理, 行动, 品性