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The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Current issue

Commemorating Xie Tianzhen
Song Binghui
Abstract29 PDF(1219KB) ( 13
2021, 0 (2): 1–1
Wang Ning
Abstract29 PDF(1387KB) ( 727
2021, 0 (2): 1–13
Doing comparative literature studies may well start with different perspectives. Late Chinese scholar Xie Tianzhen just did compar...
Xu Jun
Abstract29 PDF(1231KB) ( 554
2021, 0 (2): 14–19
Xie Tianzhen's study on medio-translatology is on the basis of his profound thought of the relationship between literary tran...
Zhang Xiping
Abstract29 PDF(1300KB) ( 778
2021, 0 (2): 20–30
Xie Tianzhen is a scholar who has made great contributions to translation studies since the Reform and Opening-up. This paper disc...
Zhao Xifang
Abstract29 PDF(1258KB) ( 789
2021, 0 (2): 31–39
It is pity that we did not notice that Prof. Xie Tianzhen had put forward a suggestion of rewriting the history of Chinese transla...
Translation Studies
Yang Long, Zhang Wenqian
Abstract29 PDF(1481KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 40–55
Translation and dissemination of contemporary Chinese literature need to be realized by different parties. So far the role played ...
Duan Shiming-hua, Yao Xinyong
Abstract29 PDF(2670KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 56–72
In the middle of the 19th century French colonialism invaded Vietnam and introduced the Latin alphabet there. That contributed to ...
Interdisciplinary Studies
Xiong Ying
Abstract29 PDF(1434KB) ( 624
2021, 0 (2): 73–85
Ekphrasis is both a popular term in classical rhetoric, and a vital current in the tradition of Western poetry that refers ...
Jiang Haowei
Abstract29 PDF(1452KB) ( 1350
2021, 0 (2): 86–105
Schopenhauer criticized Chinese painting in The World as Will and Idea, but praised Chinese garden. He thinks that Western ...
Wang Hao, Ou Rong
Abstract29 PDF(1491KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 106–122
“When You Are Old” has undergone a series of intertexual and interart transformation from Ronsard's French poem to Yeats&apos...
Ding Ersu
Abstract29 PDF(1282KB) ( 721
2021, 0 (2): 123–135
Wang Guowei was the first Chinese scholar to substantially participate in the global discourse on tragedy and his main theoretical...
Ji Jin
Abstract29 PDF(1431KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 136–152
Based on the discussion about contemporary literature in T. A. Hsia's letters, this article articulates Hsia's position ...
Di Xiachen
Abstract29 PDF(1429KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 153–167
The word “Meishu” came from Japanese, but it was once a hot word in the late Qing Dynasty. It became a Chinese translation of the ...
Zhang Qiang
Abstract29 PDF(1345KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 168–183
As a representative poet who introduced new criticism to China during the Sino-Japanese War, William Empson had significant influe...
Liu Hongyi
Abstract29 PDF(1323KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 184–198
At present, human civilization is in an unprecedented critical state. The construction of a new civilization for mankind is a nece...
Reviews and Reports
Zhou Min
Abstract29 PDF(1293KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 199–201
Zhang Wei
Abstract29 PDF(1321KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 202–205
Li Yafei
Abstract29 PDF(1343KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 206–210
Xie Wei
Abstract29 PDF(1244KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 211–214
Ou Yulong, Li Yimin
Abstract29 PDF(1312KB) (
2021, 0 (2): 215–218