The journal of the China association of comparative literature was jointly sponsored by the China association of comparative literature and Shanghai international studies university in 1984 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

Comparative Literature in China ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 11-24.

• Academic Frontier Conceptual Tools and Mutual Interpretation in the Dialogue of China and the West • Previous Articles     Next Articles

“Tao,” “ Co-inherence ” and the “ Happening ” of Poetry W. H. Auden's Poetry in the Mutual Interpretation of Chinese and Western Cultures

Bai Yangben   

  • Online:2024-01-23 Published:2024-01-15



  • 作者简介:白洋本,文学博士,山东大学文化传播学院助理研究员。研究方向:英美现代诗歌与中国新诗。电子邮箱。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Auden read Arthur Waley's translation of the Quietist Tao Té Ching and became absorbed in “Tao” around 1940s. Based on Auden's comprehension of “Tao”, this paper provides a path to elucidate his poetic switch by retracing his Western intellectual background. Auden saw Tao as a “correlative” tightrope to facilitate one to strike a balance between polarities such as intellect and sense as well as vagueness and triviality. His pursuit of “Tao” stemmed from Niebuhr's critique of pride, resulted in his yearning for humility and later acknowledgement of philosophical ideas such as Tillich's “relation”, Buber's “I and Thou”, and Williams’ “The Co-inherence”. This spurred him to explore how poetry could “happen” and “survive” after he claimed that “poetry makes nothing happen”. Auden understood “Tao” in terms of correlative “Co-Inherence”, and the relation of “growing out of one another” in “Tao” also echoed “Co-Inherence” which differed from “Logocentrism”. This was the philosophical background of Auden's dialogue-based poetics and revealed his poetic quest for subverting metaphysical prohibition.

Key words: W. H. Auden, Tao, Co-inherence, dialogue

摘要: 奥登曾阅读阿瑟·韦利翻译的《道德经》并尤为重视“道”。探究奥登对“道”的理解,既需回溯他的西方思想背景以解释他对东方概念的独特领悟,又可借他对东方哲思的读解激发相关的西方思想,从而在文化的互释中为解释他的诗学转变提供线索。奥登将“道”视为协助人在“智性”与“感官”、“含混不清”与“微不足道”两极之间实现平衡的“关系性”绳索;他对“道”的理解源自尼布尔对“骄傲”的批判,形成他对“谦卑”德性的追求,引起他对蒂利希的“关系”、布伯的“我与你”、威廉斯的“共在”等思想的接受;这些激发他在宣告“诗歌不能使任何事情发生”之后寻找到诗歌“发生”并“幸存”的方式。“共在”中的“关系”凸显“道”之核心,“道”中“有无相生”的“关系”也呼应“共在”迥异于“逻各斯中心”的特质,这是奥登构建对话诗学的思想基础并彰显他颠覆形而上学禁忌的诗学追求。

关键词: 奥登, 道, 共在, 对话