中国比较文学学会会刊 1984年创刊 由中国比较文学学会和上海外国语大学联合主办 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

中国比较文学 ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 117-145.

• 中外文学关系 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2024-04-25
  • 作者简介:郑依梅,华东师范大学中国语言文学系博士后。研究方向:中外文学关系、鲁迅翻译思想。电子邮箱。
  • 基金资助:

A New Theory on Lu Xun's Reception History of Henrik Ibsen: Reinitiating Ibsen Commemoration through Japanese Criticism and Translation

Zheng Yimei   

  • Published:2024-04-25

摘要: 鲁迅的易卜生接受史深深地植根于易卜生文学在中国的传播,又推动着中国文坛接受易卜生的程度不断深化。自留日时期起,鲁迅始终对易卜生笔下勇猛孤立者“斯托克曼”怀有强烈的灵魂共鸣,这构成他早年理解其文学的中心。而在1928年易卜生诞辰百年纪念之际,鲁迅接触到有岛武郎和片上伸所著3篇文学批评,其思想阐释之深刻吸引他译介,以期为中国读者带来“参考”和“领会”,也促使他关注易卜生文学的重点从作品内容向宏观博大的思想问题转移。与此同时,日文批评译介也构成鲁迅反思1918年《新青年》“易卜生号”遭遇“沉寂”之缘由,以及“重启”易卜生纪念时的策略性选择,其与鲁迅编辑组稿的《奔流》纪念增刊共同为中国新文学发展注入新风。

关键词: 鲁迅, 易卜生热潮, “沉寂”, 日文批评

Abstract: Lu Xun's acceptance of Ibsen was deeply rooted in the course of Ibsen's spreading in China, and it also promoted the Chinese literary arena's acceptance of Ibsen to a deeper level. Since he was studying in Japan, Lu Xun always had a strong soul resonance with the brave and isolated “Stockman”, which constituted the center of Lu Xun's early understanding of Ibsen's works. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Ibsen's birth in 1928, Lu Xun read three pieces of literary criticism on Ibsen's works written by Takeo Arishima and Noburu Katagami. The profound interpretation of thoughts urged Lu Xun to translate and introduce them in order to bring “reference” and “comprehension” to Chinese readers, and also prompted Lu Xun to shift his focus from the works themselves to grand and ideological issues. At the same time, the practice of translating and introducing Japanese criticism also constituted Lu Xun's reflection on the reason why the special issue of Ibsen in New Youth (xin qing nian) in 1918 encountered a reception of “silence” and his strategic choice made when “restarting” the commemoration of Ibsen. Together with the establishment of supplement for anniversary in the periodical Torrent (ben liu) by Lu Xun, these three pieces of Japanese criticism brought changes to the development of the Chinese new literature.

Key words: Lu Xun, Ibsen craze, “silence”, Japanese criticism