中国比较文学学会会刊 1984年创刊 由中国比较文学学会和上海外国语大学联合主办 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

中国比较文学 ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 140-155.

• 海外中国学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2019-09-12
  • 作者简介:任远,浙江师范大学外国语学院讲师。研究方向:18世纪英国文学、比较文学。电子邮箱。

  • Published:2019-09-12

摘要: 明清妇女写作研究至今方兴未艾,本文以明末清初女性诗词研究在北美汉学界的现状作一评述,提出一些相关的研究方法。北美汉学在这一领域的研究指出,西方关于“女性”的概念并不完全适用于前现代中国的语境,强调把女性写作置于当时的历史和政治话语之中,关注女性主体如何在男性话语中生成,以及女作者的性别观念和自我塑造的策略等相关问题。这一历史化的方法有助于深入挖掘女性文本中被忽略的细节和其意义,建立起一个立体的写作史的图景,其中更多包含官方背后的属于私人的经验和感受;也与中国的女性主义概念构建相关联。另外,这一研究趋势也与当今英美对于早期英国女性文本的研究趋势非常类似。一些在英国文本分析中用到的、看似与中国语境有距离的方法如精神分析,也可以用来分析女性性别身份问题,让我们看到女性文本中女性概念的生成并不是自然的或是突如其来的,而是主体进行文本创作的结果。

关键词: 女性诗词, 明末清初, 英国女性情爱小说, 精神分析

Abstract: Nowadays women's writings in Ming and Qing still has its academiccurrency. This article comments upon current studies in women's poetry from late Ming to early Qing in North America and puts forward some research methods. The sinological circle in North America points out that the western concept of “feminine” cannot fit in with the Chinese context. Scholars emphasize that women's writings should be put within their contemporary historical and political contexts in order to understand how the female subject was established within the masculine discourse and the related issues such as the female author's notion of gender identity and her strategies in self-fashioning. This emphasis on historicizing helps to dig further into those neglected details in women's texts and to draw out their meanings, so that a multi-dimensional writing history, which contains personal experiences and feelings beneath the official level. This project is also related to the construction of Chinese feminism. Also, this research trend is very similar with that in the studies of early women's writings in Britain; and some methods, which are frequently used in analyzing the British texts and seem to be far away from the Chinese context, such as psychoanalysis, can be adopted in analyzing female idertity in Chinese texts, so as to show that the notion of femininity in Chinese women's texts is not natural or coincidental, rather it is the result of the textual creation by the subject.

Key words: women's poetry, late Ming and early Qing, British women's amatory fiction, psychoanalysis