Translation Issues in the History of Sino-British Relations: A Review on Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission
Cao Cuiyun. Translation Issues in the History of Sino-British Relations: A Review on Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission[J]. Comparative Literature in China, 2025, 0(1): 262-266.
王宏志:《龙与狮的对话:翻译与马戛尔尼访华使团》.香港:香港中文大学出版社,2022年. [Wong, Lawrence Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission (long yu shi de dui hua: fan yi yu ma jia er ni fang hua shi tuan). Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2022.] ——:《龙与狮的对话:翻译与马戛尔尼访华使团》.上海:东方出版中心,2023年. [---. Wang-chi. Dialogue between the Dragon and the Lion: Translation and the Macartney Mission (long yu shi de dui hua: fan yi yu ma jia er ni fang hua shi tuan). Shanghai: Orient Publishing Center, 2023.]