中国比较文学学会会刊 1984年创刊 由中国比较文学学会和上海外国语大学联合主办 ISSN 1006-6101 CN
  • 中国人文社科核心期刊
  • 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊
  • 中文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊

中国比较文学 ›› 2025, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 208-224.

• 海外华人文学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 发布日期:2025-01-22
  • 作者简介:陆洋,文学博士,南京信息工程大学文学院讲师。研究方向:中国现代女性文学。电子邮箱。
  • 基金资助:

Eileen Chang's American Social Geographical Sketch: The Landscape of Immensity, Ethnic Culture, the Sexual Revolution

Lu Yang   

  • Published:2025-01-22

摘要: 在张爱玲的后期作品里,“美国”是现象与概念、具象与抽象的混合体。美国书写的对象有搅动观者万千思绪的异地景观,也有族裔混合社群里的刻板印象和角色扮演,还有在变革浪潮冲击下政治、文化共同体的裂变与自我调整。张爱玲后期关于美国社会现状的探索辐射了全球性的地理空间和人类文明交流的历史跨度,以及由前后期创作中的对应主题串联起来的个人知识与经验总量。张爱玲的美国世相摹写融合了异国生活的再社会化体验,凸显了观察视角、情感态度和身份自我表达随着移民主体与或熟悉或陌生的情景遭遇而产生的不确定性,反映了后期创作中现实问题意识的深化和相对立场的切换。

关键词: 张爱玲, 广阔性, 族裔文化, 性革命

Abstract: “America” serves as a mixture of phenomena and concepts in later works of Eileen Chang. Chang wrote about American social geography including the landscapes that stirred a myriad of thoughts in the observer, stereotypes and role play in the multiethnic society, and the fragmentation and self-adjustment of political and cultural communities under the impact of the reform movements of the 1960s. The exploration of American social reality in Chang's later works encompasses the global geographical scope and the historical span of civilizational exchanges. It also embodies the coherent themes that relate to her early works, constituting the sum of her personal knowledge and experience. American social geography sketched in Chang's literary works is integrated with the re-socialization of her foreign life, highlights the uncertainty of perspectives, emotional attitudes, and identity expression arising from the immigrant subject's encounters with both familiar and unfamiliar circumstances, and thus reflects the deepening awareness of real-world issues and the dynamic shifts in her relative positions.

Key words: Eileen Chang, immensity, ethnic culture, sexual revolution