李达三:“评介詹姆斯·乔哀思‘逝者’”,天青(孙筑瑾)译,《现代文学》(台北)31(1967-4):30-44。 --- “Comparative Literature Studies in Taiwan.” Tamkang Review(Taipei) 1. 1(April 1970):105-139. ——“《简爱》电影与小说的比较分析:一种新的批评方式”,《幼狮文艺》(台北)35. 4(1972-4):191-217。 ——“比较的思维习惯”, 《中外文学》(台北)1,1(1972):86-103。 ---“Review of The Poetry of Li Shang-yin: Ninth-century Baroque Chinese Poet by James J.Y. Liu, Chicago and London: Chicago UP, 1969”. Chinese Culture 14. 2(October 1973):. 50-58. --- compiled. Style Manual and Transliteration Tables for Mandarin(1st ed). Taipei: Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, Tamkang Review Monograph 1(1973); 2nd revised edition. Taipei: Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, Tamkang Review Monograph 1(1978). ——“神话文学的研究”,蔡源煌译,《中外文学》(台北)4,1(1975):168-203。 Deeney,John J.and Chi Pang-yuan. eds. Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature. Vol. 1, Poems and Essays. Trans. Chi Pang-yuan et al. Taipei: National Institute of Compilation and Translation, 1975. --- eds. An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature. Vol. 2, Short Stories. Trans. Chi Pang-yuan et al. Taipei: National Institute of Compilation and Translation, 1976. Deeney, John J. et al.eds. English Literature Anthology for Chinese Students. Vol.1 and Vol.2. Taipei: Hongdao (弘道), 1975. Rpt. Vol. 1A and Vol. 1B. 2nd printing, 1976. Rpt. Vol. 2A and Vol.2B, 2nd printing, 1976. ---. eds. English Literature Anthology for Chinese Students.3rd Rev. 2nd printing, with cassette tapes (50). Vol. 1A/2A and Vol. 2/B/2B. 2nd printing with cassette tapes (50). Taipei: Hongdao(弘道), 1978. Deeney, John J. ed. and trans. A Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry: 121 Classical Poems. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Rendition Books Series No. 1, 1976. An authorized reprint (with introductory materials translated into Chinese) was published under the title 《中诗英译金库》. Taipei: Linking, 1979 and reprinted in 1983. —— “比较文学的中国派”,《中外文学》(台北),6,5(1977):73-77。 Ba, Jin (巴金). Cold Night(寒夜》. Trans. Nathan Mao(茅国权)and Liu Ts'un-yan (柳存仁).Extensively revised, edited, and re-translated by John J. Deeney. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press; Seattle: The University of Washington Press, 1978. Deeney, John J. ed. Chinese-Western Comparative Literature: Theory and Strategy. With an afterword with preface by Horst frenz and foreword by A. Owen Aldridge. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1980. ---.“Comparative Literature and China: A Bibliographical Review of Materials in English.” New Asia Academic Bulletin: Special Issue on East-West Comparative Literature. Vol. 1. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1978. 267-301. Reprinted in 1980 hardback edition. 李达三、 周兆祥:《译事参考手册》。台北:书林书店,1980。 Deeney, John J. and Chau S.C. ECCE Translator's Manual: An Annotated Bibliographical Handbook. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Extramural Department, 1980. Deeney, John J. ed., with an afterword. Chinese-Western Comparative Literature: Theory and Strategy. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1980. 李达三:《比较文学研究之新方向》。台北,联经出版公司, 1978年第1版,1982年修订再版。 ---. “Chinese-English Comparative Literature Bibliography: A Pedagogical Arrangement of Sources in English.” Tamkang Review (Taipei) 12, 4 (Summer 1982): 333-404. See below for its sequel, Part II. ---.“Chinese-English Comparative Literature Bibliography: Part II of a Pedagogical Arrangement of Sources in English (1982-1987).” Tamkang Review (Taipei) 17, 4(Summer 1987):325-381. ---.“Conference on Translation Today: Culture and Information Interflow.” The Pedagogical Role of Literary Translation in Chinese English Comparative Literature Studies. Hong Kong: Comparative Literature Research Unit, Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1987. 1-49. 李达三:“台、港、大陆比较文学发展史”,谢惠英译,《中外文学》(台北)17,4(1989):38-60页。 Deeney, John J. “Poetics, Chinse Style.” Comparative Literature Theory: New Perspectives. Ed. Anne Paolucci. New York: Griffon House Pub., 1989. 78-109. 李达三:《从中国角度看比较文学》。沈阳:辽宁大学出版社, 1990。 ---. “English-Chinese Glossary of Literary Terms” (英中文学用语辞典),Occasional Paper No. 4. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1991. --- ed. and compiled with the preface and the bibliography. “Prolegomenon to an Encyclopedic Dictionary of Classical Chinese Literary Terms.” Tamkang Review (Taipei) 24, 3-4(Spring-Summer 1994):1-147. Deeney, John J. and Liu Jiemin(刘介民) eds. Twentieth Century Comparative Literature Bibliography from Chinese Perspective: English Sources(二十世纪中外比较文学研究索引:英文资料)Vol. 1. Hong Kong: Comparative Literature Research Unit (CLRU) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1991. Revised and enlarged edition, CLRU/The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1994. ---.eds. Twentieth Century Comparative Literature Bibliography from Chinese Perspective: Chinese Sources(二十世纪中外比较文学研究索引:中文资料). Vol. 2. Hong Kong: CLRU/ The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1991. Revised and enlarged edition, CLRU/The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 1994. Deeney, John J.“Foundations for Critical Understanding: The Compilation and Translation of Encyclopedic Dictionaries of Chinese Literary Terminology.” Translating Chinese Literature. Ed. Eugene Eoyang. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. 315-341. 李达三:“下世纪最佳文学研究:比较文学研究与‘中国学派’”,《中外文化与文论》 1(1996):99-100。 李达三、罗钢主编:《中外比较文学的里程碑》。北京:人民文学出版社, 1997。 Deeney, John J. “The Bible and/in/as Literature.” (A keynote lecture given at the Fourth National Literature Conference, March 14-15, 2003 at Chung Hsing University [中兴大学]), Proceedings of Chung Hsing University's Fourth National Literature Conference. Taipei: Xinwenfeng Pub. Co (新文丰出版公司), 2003. 1-27. 李达三:“台湾比较文学发展简史:回顾与展望”,《兰州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)6(2007):14-23。 ---. “The Religious Myth of Perfect Metaphor.” Symbolism: An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics. New York: AMS Press, 2011. 91-111. ---. “Comparative Literature Studies: Vision and Revision” (and with a Foreword). Reflections: Essay on Chinese Literature, Comparative Literature, and Culture. Taipei: Bookman Co (书林书店), 2019. iii-viii, 109-134. |